Post operative pain from Rhinoplasty is considered low to medium. During the 1st week, there is discomfort from sinus pressure and congestion. Bleeding is normal for 2-3 days. If rib grafting is performed, this can cause more pain with certain motions for the first few weeks.
For a primary surgery with no rib grafting, patients are typically able to return to work in 1-2 weeks. For a revision with rib grafting, most patients take 2-3 weeks off from work.
Skin thickness will have a significant impact on post operative swelling and recovery. In general, the thicker the skin, the longer the swelling may take to subside.
Nose too wide
Tip overly projected, wide
Tip turned up (rotated) too high
Nostril asymmetry from asymmetric swelling
Nose too wide
Tip overly projected, wide
Tip turned up (rotated) too high
Nostril asymmetry from asymmetric swelling
Week 1 – very swollen, cheeks, nose, forehead
Week 2-3 – presentable
Month 2-3 – studio ready
2-3 years – final result
Week 1 – very swollen, cheeks, nose, forehead
Week 2-3 – presentable
Month 2-3 – studio ready
2-3 years – final result
Rhinoplasty can be a challenging journey mentally. It is very common for patients to struggle initially with the psychological adaptation to their new appearance. This is 100% normal, and temporary. For some patients it can be very short lived, and for others more long lasting. Ultimately, the mind will adjust to the new appearance over time.
Patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety disorder, depressive disorders, and body dysmorphic disorder have a low satisfaction rate with all cosmetic surgery. This is not due to an objective difference in result, but rather an inability to cope with the imperfect result that inevitably occurs. If you have any of these disorders, cosmetic surgery is likely not a good option for you.

Rhinoplasty checklist
– Gauze for under the nose (2-3 days)
– Gauze holder (2-3 days)
– 3M Micropore tape to be used after cast day
– Prescriptions from the hospital pharmacy prior to discharge
– Antibiotic solution for rib rhinoplasty patients (soaks, irrigation, etc
– Gauze for under the nose (2-3 days)
– Gauze holder (2-3 days)
– 3M Micropore tape to be used after cast day
– Prescriptions from the hospital pharmacy prior to discharge
– Antibiotic solution for rib rhinoplasty patients (soaks, irrigation, etc
– Wear loose clothing, no makeup, no piercings
– Nothing to eat or drink after midnight the night before surgery
– Shower the night before, NO cologne or perfume
– Arrive 2 hours before surgery time
– Bring your ID, insurance card, container for glasses or contacts, and a driver to take you home or to hotel
– Wear loose clothing, no makeup, no piercings
– Nothing to eat or drink after midnight the night before surgery
– Shower the night before, NO cologne or perfume
– Arrive 2 hours before surgery time
– Bring your ID, insurance card, container for glasses or contacts, and a driver to take you home or to hotel
– Neck pillow (to help with sleeping upright)
– Wedge pillow or recliner (keep head up as much as possible)
– Vaseline or Aquaphor
– Q tips
– Clothes that can be pulled over head (loose)
– Easy to eat foods (soft, low salt, straws, etc)
– Lots of water
– Frozen peas and latex gloves (to ice cheeks)
– Chapstick (optional, for dry mouth)
– Biotene mouth spray (optional, for dry mouth)
– Arnica – pill and cream form (optional, for bruising)
– Pineapple juice (optional, for bruising)
– NO SMOKING for 6 weeks before and 6 weeks after surgery
– Neck pillow (to help with sleeping upright)
– Wedge pillow or recliner (keep head up as much as possible)
– Vaseline or Aquaphor
– Q tips
– Clothes that can be pulled over head (loose)
– Easy to eat foods (soft, low salt, straws, etc)
– Lots of water
– Frozen peas and latex gloves (to ice cheeks)
– Chapstick (optional, for dry mouth)
– Biotene mouth spray (optional, for dry mouth)
– Arnica – pill and cream form (optional, for bruising)
– Pineapple juice (optional, for bruising)
– NO SMOKING for 6 weeks before and 6 weeks after surgery